Poodle 💩 P Diddy Dilapidation Dildo Delight Ignites Hollywood Psychic Circle ⭕️ Jerk Fiesta
Sir Mark Dice: "Stop Asian Hate" Really For "Stop Criticizing Communist China's Global Takeover"?
China’s Plan to Takeover the World Exposed! Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & a CCP Coup 4-3-2024
Queen Elizabeth's Husband Prince Philip Dies at 99; Biden Sets Commission to Review Court Packing
Slideshow tribute to Bernard Arnault.
Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A - 6 September 2024
Benjamin Fulford Report: In a white hat victory, Mark Zuckerberg and former UK Prime Minister talk conspiracy truth – September 2, 2024
September 4th, 2021 Big Pharma After Your Kids, China Italy Drone Takeover, COV2 Origins
The Changes
Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program attempted to manipulate American news
Medical failures
The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the guilty innocent.”
Medical failures
Oilsands , Mining, Natural Gas , Agriculture sold to China land, plants= supply demand=$ high prices
Medical failures
Pepé Le Pew Peirre Polilvee. Stephen Harper's apprentice a career politician who knows nothing
Medical failures