Trump Signs EO Permanently Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights/Missing plane in Alaska located; 10 found dead/Bill Gates ‘Predicts’ Black Swan Event Will Depopulate 94% of Global Population
Each White Cross represents a White farmer in South Africa murdered from 2018 - 2022/Suspected paedophile is found half-naked in dramatic raid on squalid Mackay caravan - as Queensland cops make shocking discovery/Black boxes recovered from American Airli
Experts Raise Questions Over The DC Black Hawk Helicopter Disaster/Donald Trump Jr. floats idea of reopening Alcatraz /Israeli Media Claims Trump Is Pulling US Troops Out Of Syria
ART | Is ART Being Used to Advance Satanism In America Today? Are Katy Perry, Lil' Nas X, Sam Smith, Christian Bale, Black Jack, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Hollywood, the Music Industry Intentionally Advancing the Satanic Agenda?
Two Students Shot at Antioch High School in Tenn, Gunman Shoots Himself/Trump Orders ‘One Flag’ Policy Across All U.S. Embassies — Pride and Black Lives Matter Flags No Longer Allowed/Trump Cuts Off EV Charging Gravy Train Enjoyed by Elon Musk’s T
FBI: Diddy ‘Snuff Tape’ Featuring LeBron James Sold on Black Market/Rand Paul Reveals: Matt Damon, Cher Among Hollywood Celebrities Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Insurance/Dan Crenshaw Spends Christmas Sparring on X/Twitter After Being Called Out on Ac