1. GAB Gives BKA A Complete Nein To Their Demands. 🖕👉😜😂🤣🐸🇩🇪

    GAB Gives BKA A Complete Nein To Their Demands. 🖕👉😜😂🤣🐸🇩🇪

  2. Episode 86 - Crippling Sanctions, Putin’s Brutality, and the Effects on the Oil Markets (Tom Kemler)

    Episode 86 - Crippling Sanctions, Putin’s Brutality, and the Effects on the Oil Markets (Tom Kemler)

  3. Episode 91 - Musk and Twitter, The Subway Shooter, and Ukrainians Sink the Moskva (Tom Kemler)

    Episode 91 - Musk and Twitter, The Subway Shooter, and Ukrainians Sink the Moskva (Tom Kemler)

  4. Episode 97 - Inflation, Interest Rates, Things Suck, and Peter the Great’s Beard Tax (Tom Kemler)

    Episode 97 - Inflation, Interest Rates, Things Suck, and Peter the Great’s Beard Tax (Tom Kemler)

  5. Ep.15 - M Covid Vaccinations a day, Herd Immunity and the Suez Canal (Tom Kemler)

    Ep.15 - M Covid Vaccinations a day, Herd Immunity and the Suez Canal (Tom Kemler)

  6. Episode 94 - Putin’s Victory Parade in Turkey, Is Inflation Peaking? Ukraine Sinks Another Ship

    Episode 94 - Putin’s Victory Parade in Turkey, Is Inflation Peaking? Ukraine Sinks Another Ship

  7. Ep. 32 - How to Get Your Kids into the Right College... And Not Break The Bank (Kelly Freeman)

    Ep. 32 - How to Get Your Kids into the Right College... And Not Break The Bank (Kelly Freeman)

  8. Episode 87 - A New Ukrainian Ethos, Possible Chinese Sanctions, and Have the Russians Already Lost?

    Episode 87 - A New Ukrainian Ethos, Possible Chinese Sanctions, and Have the Russians Already Lost?

  9. Episode 88 - Quadruple Witching, Lots of Shipping, and Chinese Coronavirus Lockdowns

    Episode 88 - Quadruple Witching, Lots of Shipping, and Chinese Coronavirus Lockdowns

  10. Episode 93 - Russia sabotage, Bank of America alarm, Fighting at the Steel Plant (Tom Kemler)

    Episode 93 - Russia sabotage, Bank of America alarm, Fighting at the Steel Plant (Tom Kemler)

  11. Magdeburg update: AfD respond to police briefing on suspect, Gottfried Curio, English subtitles

    Magdeburg update: AfD respond to police briefing on suspect, Gottfried Curio, English subtitles

  12. Episode 89 - Kim Jung Un a Fake, Economics Update and a Shanghai Lockdown (Tom Kemler)

    Episode 89 - Kim Jung Un a Fake, Economics Update and a Shanghai Lockdown (Tom Kemler)

  13. Explosion Kindesmissbrauch & "Pornografie" (Zahlen/Statistik 2023)

    Explosion Kindesmissbrauch & "Pornografie" (Zahlen/Statistik 2023)

  14. Episode 96 - Mafia Control, Port Congestion, Employment Report and Economic Recession (Tom Kemler)

    Episode 96 - Mafia Control, Port Congestion, Employment Report and Economic Recession (Tom Kemler)

  15. Ep. 38 Fallout from Market Activities and a Lack of Employees (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 38 Fallout from Market Activities and a Lack of Employees (Tom Kemler)

  16. Ep. 37 - Economic Issues, Death of a Lunatic, and a Falling Building (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 37 - Economic Issues, Death of a Lunatic, and a Falling Building (Tom Kemler)

  17. Ep 51 The Mixed Economic Numbers ( Tom Kemler)

    Ep 51 The Mixed Economic Numbers ( Tom Kemler)

  18. Ep.6 - Aftermath of Snowpocalypse and the Upcoming Stimulus Bill (Tom Kemler)

    Ep.6 - Aftermath of Snowpocalypse and the Upcoming Stimulus Bill (Tom Kemler)
