9 years agoWhat is homey business, or why it's bad to treat friends differently than clients.Louis Rossmann
1 year agoKlipper MCU intermittent connection error with SKR Pico Bad solder connection causing power problemsfintech
27 days agoRotel RX-950AX Repair. bad caps. glue and bad solder. #audio #audioequipment #reciverrepair #rotelkarmaelectronics
8 years ago"Do what you find fun" is bad advice for beginners: the beginning is NOT fun!Louis Rossmann
2 years agoEbike Hall Sensor Replacement - 48v 500w Motor (SS41F/41F/S41)Batteries, DIY Electronics, Repairs, Creations, And 18650's
4 years agoYouTube is killing itself by implementing bad ideas, how out of touch management can kill a companyLouis Rossmann