1. Conheça o polêmico asper kanojo

    Conheça o polêmico asper kanojo

  2. CMP 189 - Chris Williamson - Overcoming Jealousy, Putting Your Phone Away, Jordan Peterson

    CMP 189 - Chris Williamson - Overcoming Jealousy, Putting Your Phone Away, Jordan Peterson

  3. CMP 190 - Thai Rivera - Harder to come out as a Trump Voter than Gay, Backlash over Trans Jokes

    CMP 190 - Thai Rivera - Harder to come out as a Trump Voter than Gay, Backlash over Trans Jokes

  4. Quantum Systems on Standby, Black-Swan Event Necessary!

    Quantum Systems on Standby, Black-Swan Event Necessary!

  5. CMP 188 - Ace's Adventures, Dead Malls, 80s Nostalgia, Is Amazon to blame?

    CMP 188 - Ace's Adventures, Dead Malls, 80s Nostalgia, Is Amazon to blame?

  6. CMP 181 - Camille Theobald - Bisexual Comedy Icon, Podcast SL,UT, Pressured to be Mormon

    CMP 181 - Camille Theobald - Bisexual Comedy Icon, Podcast SL,UT, Pressured to be Mormon

  7. CMP 176 - Amy Belair - What is an Akashic Record Reading? Past Lives, Weird Discoveries

    CMP 176 - Amy Belair - What is an Akashic Record Reading? Past Lives, Weird Discoveries

  8. CMP 174 - Chad Robichaux and Larry Sharpe - PTSD in Veterans, Christianity and Masculinity

    CMP 174 - Chad Robichaux and Larry Sharpe - PTSD in Veterans, Christianity and Masculinity

  9. CMP 193 - Sara Armour - Astrology isn't BS, Divine Masculine/Feminine, The Moonual, #PeeToo

    CMP 193 - Sara Armour - Astrology isn't BS, Divine Masculine/Feminine, The Moonual, #PeeToo

  10. CMP 184 - Ben Jammin - Crypto, Conspiracies, Censorship, What is 4Deep?

    CMP 184 - Ben Jammin - Crypto, Conspiracies, Censorship, What is 4Deep?

  11. CMP 183 - Kate Wolff - Healing through Humor, Cancelled for Rapping, Going Deep on Stage

    CMP 183 - Kate Wolff - Healing through Humor, Cancelled for Rapping, Going Deep on Stage

  12. CMP 179 - Dani Zoldan - Stand Up NY Owner Fights for Comedy, Owns Trolls, Gets Creative With Shows

    CMP 179 - Dani Zoldan - Stand Up NY Owner Fights for Comedy, Owns Trolls, Gets Creative With Shows

  13. CMP 185 - Tara Reade - Joe Biden Sexual Harassment Aftermath, Silenced by Mainstream Media, Cuomo

    CMP 185 - Tara Reade - Joe Biden Sexual Harassment Aftermath, Silenced by Mainstream Media, Cuomo
