Tommy Tuberville Bill Will End Taxes on Social Security Benefits/State Department Begins Flying US Flags Upside Down As Deep State Panic Over DOGE Probes/Trump Announces He Will Sign Executive Order to Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias/NCAA Agrees to Exclude
Marines Remove Deep State FEC Chairwoman Ellen Weintraub from Office/Federal Judge Blocks Leftist Efforts to Prevent Elon Musk and DOGE from Accessing Department of Labor Data/Trump Dismantles Biden’s Gun Control Actions, Signs Executive Order to Protec
Planned Parenthood Illegally Funnelled Taxpayer Dollars to Fund Kamala Harris Campaign/Energy Department Deploys Helicopters Over D.C. — Scanning for ‘Radiological or Nuclear Irregularities/
US Catholic diocese agrees $320mn sex abuse payout /Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S./Minneapolis Police Department Swears in First ‘Non-Citizen’ Officer to the Police Force
Clinton Drops Out Of Harris Fundraiser In The Hamptons After Getting Covid/US in ‘fast lane’ to bankruptcy – Musk /New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside /RFK J
Military Arresting Fraudulent Pollsters/US sees no way for Israel to destroy Hamas/New Zealand Justice Minister Says Kim Dotcom To Be Extradited To The United States/U.S. Justice Department Reportedly Considers Breaking Up Google/‘Sweets’ Made of Pure
Commercializing Nanomedicine for Improving Human Health: Not Just Hype, It Is Really Happening! Thomas Webster, PhD Professor and Department Chair, Chemical Engineering, Chair in Engineering, Bioengineering, Northeastern University
9/21/24 QOTD/If you were ask to be part of the Trump Administration would you accept it and what department of it would you want to be part of (i.e Health, education)?
Yuan Has Replaced The Dollar As Russia’s Main Foreign Currency/Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Linked to ‘Premature Death’, Study Finds/U.S. Department of Commerce Has Plan Already in Place to Digitize the Identities of all Americans Receiving ‘Public Ben