19 days agoPleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light: 🕉 A "Spiritual Awakening" on your PATH of Ascension 🕉🕉whitegoldeagle
7 months ago💥💥💥YOU JUST ENTERED THE ASCENSION TUNNEL💥💥💥 | The Arcturian Council Of 5 - ASHTAR COMMAND (11)SierraDelta
2 years agoStarseeds & BLUE Rays * SOLAR Eclipse & ASCENSION Symptoms * ARCTURIAN PortalAlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoIt is Official... Becoming a Galactic Community~ The 9D Arcturian CouncilUniversal Lighthouse
2 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 12/29/2024 🕉 Beloved Light Keepers and Torch Bearers of our Arcturian Lineagewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoALEXANDER QUINN: ET experiences Starseed & the Great Planetary Shift | Podcast With Debbi Dachingerdebontheradio
2 years agoPleiadian Sirian Arcturian Council of Light ~ 5th Dimension (Heaven on Earth)whitegoldeagle
2 years agoContactee, Lily Nova, Shares Her Relationship with Pleiadians, Arcturians, & Lyrans + DNA Activation3rd Eye Salon
1 year agoThe Christmas Story, is Everyone's Story to Christ Consciousness. ~ The Arcturian GroupUniversal Lighthouse
8 months agoLYRAN Transmission * ROYALTY Code STARSEED Activations * AKASHIC Records Reset * SOLSTICEAlohaPinkBella888
8 months agoPLEIADIAN Transmission * Cellular Changes & SOLAR FLARES * DNA STARSEED Upgrades!AlohaPinkBella888
11 months agoALEXANDER QUINN: ET experiences Starseed & the Great Planetary Shift | Podcast With Debbi Dachingerdebontheradio
8 months agoSOLSTICE Starseeds Gateway! * Advanced JSEALS & Implants * 12 Chakras * Earth Star ChakraAlohaPinkBella888
7 months ago***IMPACTING EARTH NOW: ATTENTION ALL STARSEEDS*** | Ashtar Command Energy Update 2024SierraDelta
6 months ago528 HZ Balance Healing * Arcturian Transmission * TIMELINE Shift! * ANCESTRAL ContractsAlohaPinkBella888
3 months agoMessage from The Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Council of Light 🕉 Visualize a Golden Light within youwhitegoldeagle
2 months agoPleiadian Sirian Arcturian Council of Light 🕉 You are on your Path of Awakening 🕉 Pierce the Veil 🕉whitegoldeagle
3 months agoActivate Arcturian Crystal Grid: Planetary Healing with Christ Consciousness & Divine Love"ERGOai
9 months ago"STARSEEDS THE WHOLE GALAXY IS WATCHING YOU NOW..." - The Pleiadians 2024 | CaylinSierraDelta
4 months agoGateway of Arcturian Energy + Aries Full Supermoon 🕉 Highly Advanced Alien Race 🕉 Edgar Cayce 🕉whitegoldeagle