2 years agoEver wanted to ride a “bullet” train Check it out! #Olympics #Beijing #trains #winterolympics #chinaUpcomingnewscom
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13 days agoBitcoin is doomed to fail. It has become the dark web, an extralegalThe CCP's Enemy No.1 Miles Guo
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7 months ago第12夜,知识盲区,一旦被邪恶控制,人们将会被愚弄《一千零七夜》🦋🔥🔥《One thousand and seven nights》魔女Peace 郭文贵 MilesGuo NFSC TakeDowntheCCP CCP≠CHINESENFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
7 months ago《一千零七夜》🦩🦋🦋第15夜,台湾科技铸成的战略堡垒,神迹庇佑着善良勇敢的人。《One thousand and seven nights》魔女Peace 郭文贵 MilesGuo NFSC TakeDowntheCCP CCP≠CHINESE 🌟AI语音视频NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
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6 months ago1989年到1991年,MilesGuo在清丰看守所服刑期间,亲眼目睹中国有良知的民主人士被共产党虐杀,他彻底看透中共的邪恶,更明白一个道理:必须消灭中共才能解放中国人! #whymilesguoNFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
6 months ago《一千零七夜》🦋🔥🔥第18夜,中共与纳粹洗脑人民的手段,思想操控危机历史反复重演。NFSC Himalaya Japan Galaxy Miles Guo Music Take Down the CCP
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13 days agoFan Yifei alone took away 8 billion yuan from Shanghai Bank byThe CCP's Enemy No.1 Miles Guo
13 days agoThe money controlled by Zhou Xiaochuan even the combined money ofThe CCP's Enemy No.1 Miles Guo
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13 days agoThe CCP is now arresting and eliminating influencers on a large scaleThe CCP's Enemy No.1 Miles Guo