Paid Provocateurs Protestors at Toronto Truckers Convoy Yesterday? Our day at the Toronto truckers convoy started with what appeared to be paid provocateurs trying to agitate the peaceful protesters. They had no success and the day continued to be a beaut
Toronto Board of Health - January 17 2022 - 17 Year Old Healthy Boy DEAD 1 Month After The "Covid-19" "Vaccine" Father Tells His Story To Board Members
Recorded call to “The Works” Safe Injection Site - proving I can shoot up heroin with no vaxx pass required City of Toronto funded facility but my gym is closed. Is this about health? Trust "the science"
We’re getting bigger, we’re getting stronger, and we’re not gonna stop until we win! #PPC #BearHUG 👉Watch this video from last Saturday's rally at Queen's Park in Toronto! #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO
Toronto Metro Cops Stopping A Peaceful Protest In Support Of The Truckers Convoy For Freedom To Ottawa #BearHUG #NoVaxxPass #NoMandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGO