4 years ago一道江河 Along the River 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V088WT
2 years ago874 O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright ( Lutheran Service Book )Learn Every Hymn With Rev Kaspar ( Lutheran Service Book )Verified
4 years ago耶稣 我唯一的热情 Jesus My Only Passion诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover)歌词WorshipTogetherWT V069WT
4 years ago爱你到底 Love You Till the End 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V012WT
4 years ago宝贵十架 Precious Cross 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V046WT
4 years ago耶稣基督是主 Jesus Christ Is the Lord诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V086WT
4 years ago满有能力 I Am Strengthened In Him 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V039WT
4 years ago彩虹下的约定 The Rainbow Covenant 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V007WT
4 years ago我的神我敬拜你 My Lord I Worship You 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover)歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V067WT
4 years ago主 我们感谢你 Lord We Thank You 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V091WT
4 years ago主 求你来恢复 Lord Come Now to Restore诗歌钢琴伴奏Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V081WT
9 months agoBeautiful, Relaxing, Peaceful Instrumental Hymn-"Blessed Assurance"Instrumental Flute & Guitar Music
4 years ago圣灵充满我 Fill Me with Holy Spirit 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V003WT
4 years ago顺服 I Surrender My All 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词字幕WorshipTogetherWT V096WT
4 years ago住在你里面 Abiding In You 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词WorshipTogetherWT V073WT