“L.A.W.”—Land, Air, and Water. FYI: 99.9% Who Want to Correct Their “Straw Man Status” aren’t Even CLOSE to Ready.. You’d be LOST Attempting to Wield Your Sovereignty. There’s Still Much to Self-Learn of That. | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse! YAH SAID IT! 2020 Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Also warnings about Vaccines/Poisoned Air Food Water/5G/Schools!
Amightywind Prophecy 84 "Beware of the Illusion!" "I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there" Plagues/evil Chris Angel/FEMA/Bio warfare/Poison Sky (some audio issues)
Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts YAH SAYS Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse! But was supposed to obey in firing many he trusted! Also warnings about Vaccines/Bad Air & Food/5G/Schools! mirror