1. How the Brits tried to TRICK the Americans into Joining the Allied Cause in WW2

    How the Brits tried to TRICK the Americans into Joining the Allied Cause in WW2

  2. How the German Abwehr Destroyed Hitler’s chance of Winning the War

    How the German Abwehr Destroyed Hitler’s chance of Winning the War

  3. How Patton's "Ghost Army" Tricked the Germans into Losing France

    How Patton's "Ghost Army" Tricked the Germans into Losing France

  4. The SECRET Badasses of WW2 - What CHAPLAINS Actually Did During Conflict

    The SECRET Badasses of WW2 - What CHAPLAINS Actually Did During Conflict

  5. The Most FEARED Pilot Aces From Each Fighting Country [Episode 2]

    The Most FEARED Pilot Aces From Each Fighting Country [Episode 2]

  6. How a DESPERATE Britain Survived the Roughest Parts of WW2 & Prepared to Defend Their Island

    How a DESPERATE Britain Survived the Roughest Parts of WW2 & Prepared to Defend Their Island

  7. Which Units were the most POORLY ARMED in WW2? - The Crippling Weapon Shortages of the War Explained

    Which Units were the most POORLY ARMED in WW2? - The Crippling Weapon Shortages of the War Explained

  8. The Dark Truth Behind the Civilian Internment Camps in WW2 - Which Countries Used Them?

    The Dark Truth Behind the Civilian Internment Camps in WW2 - Which Countries Used Them?

  9. The Soldiers with the Most Confirmed KILLS in WW2 from Each Fighting Nation [Pt.2]

    The Soldiers with the Most Confirmed KILLS in WW2 from Each Fighting Nation [Pt.2]

  10. How this BADASS US Unit didn't Lose a Single Man While TERRORISING the Japanese [WW2]

    How this BADASS US Unit didn't Lose a Single Man While TERRORISING the Japanese [WW2]

  11. Which Country Had the Most Effective Special Forces in WW2?

    Which Country Had the Most Effective Special Forces in WW2?

  12. Why the US Shouldn't Forget Heroic Mexican Efforts in World War 2

    Why the US Shouldn't Forget Heroic Mexican Efforts in World War 2

  13. What Happened when Tired & Enraged Allied Armies Started Discovering Concentration Camps in WW2?

    What Happened when Tired & Enraged Allied Armies Started Discovering Concentration Camps in WW2?

  14. The Most TRAITOROUS People From Each Major Fighting Nation in WW2

    The Most TRAITOROUS People From Each Major Fighting Nation in WW2

  15. How a Village in Hawaii Nearly Turned to the Axis in WW2

    How a Village in Hawaii Nearly Turned to the Axis in WW2

  16. McNamara's Morons - The Low Intelligence Soldiers Used as Guinea Pigs in the Vietnam War

    McNamara's Morons - The Low Intelligence Soldiers Used as Guinea Pigs in the Vietnam War

  17. The WORST Job Roles You Could be Assigned in World War 2 [Part 2]

    The WORST Job Roles You Could be Assigned in World War 2 [Part 2]

  18. The Worst Job Roles You Could be Assigned in World War 2

    The Worst Job Roles You Could be Assigned in World War 2

  19. The Most FEARED Pilot Aces From Each Fighting Country [Episode 1]

    The Most FEARED Pilot Aces From Each Fighting Country [Episode 1]

  20. Why Japanese Invaders had NIGHTMARES about the only Female Guerrilla Commander in the Philippines

    Why Japanese Invaders had NIGHTMARES about the only Female Guerrilla Commander in the Philippines
