4 months agoMy Altean connection memories | June 25th 2024 | Galactic & Terran connection memoriesThe grounded starseeds
2 months agoAre we shining our full light? Groups | Terran memories | Elena Danaan index & other updatesThe grounded starseeds
9 months agoMy memories of the “Lyran” Man system & the Manahu (Pleiades) |Galactic & Terran connection memoriesThe grounded starseeds
9 months agoDakota: Taal, T-Ashkeru & Terran multidimensional memories | Galactic & Terran connections interviewThe grounded starseeds
5 months agoMy Altean connection memories | February 14th 2023 | Galactic & Terran connection memoriesThe grounded starseeds
7 months agoJu Chen: Uraman & Urmah Laani, Elarthian, Zenae, Man system |Galactic & Terran connections interviewThe grounded starseeds
9 months agoMarina: guardian angels & their messages | Galactic & Terran connections interviewThe grounded starseeds
4 months agoMelanie: Grays, Mantids, Taali & Ahil | Galactic & Terran connections interviewThe grounded starseeds
10 months agoAlea: Orion, Amazons, Dakini & faery connections | Galactic & Terran connections interviewsThe grounded starseeds
6 months agoMy Altean connection memories | October 13th 2023 | Galactic & Terran connections memoriesThe grounded starseeds
4 months agoMy Altean connection memories | August 2nd 2024 | Galactic & Terran connection memoriesThe grounded starseeds
4 months agoMelanie: Maya Ahil & Errahil, Alteans, Zenae, Telosii | Galactic & Terran connections interviewThe grounded starseeds
4 months agoMy Altean connection memories | June 24th 2024 | Galactic & Terran connectionsThe grounded starseeds
6 months agoRodger: Abduction, SSP & twin flame galactic connections | Galactic & Terran connections memoriesThe grounded starseeds
5 months agoMy true loves | Discernment about starseed twin flame and Terran loveThe grounded starseeds
9 months agoLupe: benevolent moderation, Elarthian, Zenae, Ahil & more | Galactic & Terran connections interviewThe grounded starseeds
2 months agoHealth issues update | Clearing confusions about time | Galactic memories through creative writingThe grounded starseeds
10 months agoAhil common memories and corroborations part 1 | Galactic & Terran connections discussionThe grounded starseeds
9 months agoMylène: Altean, Ahel, Taal, Emerther, Egaroth contacts & more|Galactic & Terran connection interviewThe grounded starseeds
7 months agoMy Altean connection memories - Part 2 | October 11th 2023 | Galactic & Terran connections memoriesThe grounded starseeds
7 months agoMy Altean connection memories - Part 3 | October 12th 2023 | Galactic & Terran connections memoriesThe grounded starseeds