1. 048 Surat Al-Fatĥ (The Victory) - سورة الفتح Quran Recitation

    048 Surat Al-Fatĥ (The Victory) - سورة الفتح Quran Recitation

  2. 045 Surat Al-Jāthiyah (The Crouching) - سورة الجاثية Quran Recitation

    045 Surat Al-Jāthiyah (The Crouching) - سورة الجاثية Quran Recitation

  3. 063 Surat Al-Munāfiqūn (The Hypocrites) - سورة المنافقون Quran Recitation Follow like Share

    063 Surat Al-Munāfiqūn (The Hypocrites) - سورة المنافقون Quran Recitation Follow like Share

  4. 059 Surat Al-Ĥashr (The Exile) - سورة الحشر Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    059 Surat Al-Ĥashr (The Exile) - سورة الحشر Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

  5. 069 Surat Al-Ĥāqqah (The Reality) - سورة الحاقة Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    069 Surat Al-Ĥāqqah (The Reality) - سورة الحاقة Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

  6. 077 Surat Al-Mursalāt (The Emissaries) - سورة المرسلات Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    077 Surat Al-Mursalāt (The Emissaries) - سورة المرسلات Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

  7. 075 Surat Al-Qiyāmah (The Resurrection) - سورة القيامة Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

    075 Surat Al-Qiyāmah (The Resurrection) - سورة القيامة Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

  8. 046 Surat Al-_Aĥqāf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills) - سورة الأحقاف Quran Recitation

    046 Surat Al-_Aĥqāf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills) - سورة الأحقاف Quran Recitation

  9. 029 Surat Al-_Ankabūt (The Spider) - سورة العنكبوت Quran Recitation

    029 Surat Al-_Ankabūt (The Spider) - سورة العنكبوت Quran Recitation

  10. 073 Surat Al-Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One) - سورة المزمل Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

    073 Surat Al-Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One) - سورة المزمل Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

  11. 058 Surat Al-Mujādila (The Pleading Woman) - سورة المجادلة Quran Recitation Follow Share & like

    058 Surat Al-Mujādila (The Pleading Woman) - سورة المجادلة Quran Recitation Follow Share & like

  12. 070 Surat Al-Ma_ārij (The Ascending Stairways) - سورة المعارج Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    070 Surat Al-Ma_ārij (The Ascending Stairways) - سورة المعارج Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

  13. 074 Surat Al-Muddaththir (The Cloaked One) - سورة المدثر Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    074 Surat Al-Muddaththir (The Cloaked One) - سورة المدثر Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

  14. Surah Al Araf verse 44-51

    Surah Al Araf verse 44-51

  15. 056 Surat Al-Wāqi_ah (The Inevitable) - سورة الواقعة Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

    056 Surat Al-Wāqi_ah (The Inevitable) - سورة الواقعة Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

  16. Surah 7 - Al-Araf (The Elevated Places): 🔊 ARABIC and 🔊 ENGLISH Recitation with Subtitles.

    Surah 7 - Al-Araf (The Elevated Places): 🔊 ARABIC and 🔊 ENGLISH Recitation with Subtitles.

  17. 033 Surat Al-_Aĥzāb (The Combined Forces) - سورة الأحزاب Quran Recitation

    033 Surat Al-_Aĥzāb (The Combined Forces) - سورة الأحزاب Quran Recitation

  18. 049 Surat Al-Ĥujurāt (The Rooms) - سورة الحجرات Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

    049 Surat Al-Ĥujurāt (The Rooms) - سورة الحجرات Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

  19. 049 Surat Al-Ĥujurāt (The Rooms) - سورة الحجرات Quran Recitation

    049 Surat Al-Ĥujurāt (The Rooms) - سورة الحجرات Quran Recitation

  20. 067 Surat Al-Mulk (The Sovereignty) - سورة الملك Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

    067 Surat Al-Mulk (The Sovereignty) - سورة الملك Quran Recitation Follow Like & Share

  21. 076 Surat Al-_Insān (The Man) - سورة الانسان Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    076 Surat Al-_Insān (The Man) - سورة الانسان Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

  22. 057 Surat Al-Ĥadīd (The Iron) - سورة الحديد Quran Recitation(360P)

    057 Surat Al-Ĥadīd (The Iron) - سورة الحديد Quran Recitation(360P)

  23. 072 Surat Al-Jinn (The Jinn) - سورة الجن Quran Recitation Folloew Like & Shar

    072 Surat Al-Jinn (The Jinn) - سورة الجن Quran Recitation Folloew Like & Shar

  24. 068 Surat Al-Qalam (The Pen) - سورة القلم Quran Recitation Follow like & Share

    068 Surat Al-Qalam (The Pen) - سورة القلم Quran Recitation Follow like & Share
