New Age | What Is New Age? Who Is Alice Bailey? Why Did Bailey Start the Lucifer Publishing Company In 1922? Is the United Nations Manifesting Alice Bailey's Vision of One Humanity? Which American Pastors Echo Alice Bailey?
Citizen stand united against covid camps Lakeshore, Ontario Canada. tell him to get off the podium. Tecumseh, Ontario Town Hall meeting with Irek Kusmierczyk, to inform the public that a isolation Center will be built and housed here
STAND UNITED Way to step up BC and Alberta. We have 19 cities across Canada on board, and more to come! Media & Public Relations officers All the Chief's at these locations have had our Informed Consent package sent by registered mail.
STAND UNITED. AUG 20TH 2022 NOW 24 CITIES CANADA-WIDE . INFORMED CONSENT WAS DELIVERED TO ALL 24 THE RCMP DETACHMENTS BY REGISTERED MAIL. MORE TO COME. Alright alright Canada! Are you ready?! Look what we have here - the West is standing up and speaking o