3 days agoAqua Continues To The Poison River in Sub! Then Finishing Heist in 2077! | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
4 days agoAqua Opens Some Pokemon Cards For The First Time!!! | Aqua Opens Some Card PacksShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
8 days agoGoing Deep in Subnautica. Then its Time for A HEIST BABY!!!! | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
9 days agoContinuing in Subnautica. Then Finishing Heist Prep, Then HEIST BABY!!!! | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
18 days agoTo The Aurora in Sub. Then Heist Prep in 2077 | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
1 month agoIts The Nightmare Of Steel and the Forest pt. 2 | Aqua Plays Cold Steel 1 & They Are BillionsShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
17 days agoFirst Cyclops???? Continuing Heist Prep in 2077 | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
22 days agoThe Phoenix will BURN! Then back to Sub. Then Trophy hunting in 2077 | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
1 month agoWe finish up with TAB Then Onto Subnauica!| Aqua Plays Whatever He FeelsShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
1 month agoFinishing Nightmare TAB????? If So Then Sub. | Aqua Plays Whatever He FeelsShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
1 month agoKnocking Out Phoenix. Then Some Base building in Sub | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
1 month agoIts The Nightmare Of Steel and the Forest | Aqua Plays Cold Steel 1 & They Are BillionsShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
1 month agoJust A Stream of Unknowns Today | Aqua Plays Whatever He FeelsShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
27 days agoWill The Phoenix Rise or Fall? Then back to Sub. | Aqua Plays Some GamesShockedAqua's Gaming Channel
2 years agoStardew Valley Ep. 7 Where Did I Go Wrong??? | Twitch Stream Highlight | Aqua Streams PS5 Games!ShockedAqua's Gaming Channel