1. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “gentile” - "one who is not a Israelite," c. 1400; (late 14c.), gentilis "of the same family. belonging to the same nation. fellow countrymen, kinsmen," but also "foreigners”

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “gentile” - "one who is not a Israelite," c. 1400; (late 14c.), gentilis "of the same family. belonging to the same nation. fellow countrymen, kinsmen," but also "foreigners”

  2. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “sport” - c. 1400, "take pleasure, enjoy or amuse oneself," from Old French desporter, "to divert, please; to seek amusement," etymologically "carry away" 🕎Psalms 83;1-9 KJV

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “sport” - c. 1400, "take pleasure, enjoy or amuse oneself," from Old French desporter, "to divert, please; to seek amusement," etymologically "carry away" 🕎Psalms 83;1-9 KJV

  3. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Puerto Rico” - island in the Greater Antilles group of the West Indies, Spanish, literally "rich harbor;" see port, rich. The name was given in 1493 by Christopher Columbus.🕎Genesis 49;22-26 KJV

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Puerto Rico” - island in the Greater Antilles group of the West Indies, Spanish, literally "rich harbor;" see port, rich. The name was given in 1493 by Christopher Columbus.🕎Genesis 49;22-26 KJV

  4. Kingdom of God 1 - The Meaning of the Kingdom - Steve Gregg

    Kingdom of God 1 - The Meaning of the Kingdom - Steve Gregg

  5. Holy Bible 1 Corinthians 14

    Holy Bible 1 Corinthians 14

  6. Cleanliness, Aesthetics, Manners, and Masochism (Current Events)

    Cleanliness, Aesthetics, Manners, and Masochism (Current Events)

  7. (Series For Men: Lesson #21) What Does Judgement Mean. tiktok fortnite agenda 21 mgtow Rev 20;12 15

    (Series For Men: Lesson #21) What Does Judgement Mean. tiktok fortnite agenda 21 mgtow Rev 20;12 15

  8. Job 33 Psalm 25:16-22 Proverbs 27:7 Mark 4:1-25 Luke 8:4-18 Holy Bible Audio Reading

    Job 33 Psalm 25:16-22 Proverbs 27:7 Mark 4:1-25 Luke 8:4-18 Holy Bible Audio Reading

  9. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “country” - mid-13c., "(one's) native land;" c. 1300, "any geographic area," "region, district,” "(land) spread before one," as "area surrounding a walled city or town

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “country” - mid-13c., "(one's) native land;" c. 1300, "any geographic area," "region, district,” "(land) spread before one," as "area surrounding a walled city or town

  10. (Series For Men: Lesson #58) The Meaning Behind IT ALL - Revelation 21:8 and Rev 20:15 turn around.

    (Series For Men: Lesson #58) The Meaning Behind IT ALL - Revelation 21:8 and Rev 20:15 turn around.

  11. (Series For Men: Lesson #11) If we confess our sins - He's faithful to forgive. BUT WHAT ABOUT US

    (Series For Men: Lesson #11) If we confess our sins - He's faithful to forgive. BUT WHAT ABOUT US

  12. "What Does The Bible Say?" Series - Topic: Third Fruit: PEACE, Part 20: 1 Corinthians 14:33

    "What Does The Bible Say?" Series - Topic: Third Fruit: PEACE, Part 20: 1 Corinthians 14:33

  13. Isaiah 9 - A dual prophecy given by Isaiah that proclaims Messiah at His birth and return. 6.21.24

    Isaiah 9 - A dual prophecy given by Isaiah that proclaims Messiah at His birth and return. 6.21.24
