5 months ago👩👧👧 Eugenicist Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood ✮︎︎ Rockefeller Funded Genocide By Sterilization And AbortionReal Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years ago💥🔥🎯 The Fall of the Cabal ~ "Wrapping Up Genocide" ~ Part 26 of the SequelReal Truth Real NewsVerified
10 months ago💡 Deborah Tavares on How LED Lights are Slowly Making Us Sick and Killing Us. Just One More Way the Globalists Will Try to Genocide Us All...Real Truth Real NewsVerified
10 months ago💥👽 Tucker Carlson on Joe Rogan Experience 😎 UFOs, A.I., Speaker Johnson, Free Speech, Genocide, Criminal Govt & MoreReal Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year ago💥💉 Dr. William Makis Discusses the "Sudden Death" Explosion of People and Children Around the World - This is Genocide!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year ago💥🔥 This is HUGE! Journalist Rodney Palmer's Explosive Testimony Reveals the Media's Criminal Conspiracy To Commit GenocideReal Truth Real NewsVerified
2 days agoStrafrechtelijke aanklacht tegen Pfizer wegens genocide - voor Internationaal Strafhofjeannyh
2 years ago💥🔥💉 BOMBSHELL! US Department of Defense Conspired With BigPharma to Execute the COVID Vaccine Genocide Worldwide!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
8 months ago⚕️ ☠️ The COVID Hospital Protocols Was and Still is a Genocide and the Ventilators Are the New Gas Chambers!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
10 months agoJane Burgermeister denunció en 2009 a la OMS por la pandemia de gripe aviarBuscandoLaVerdades
1 year agoIl biologo evoluzionista statunitense Bret Weinstein: "È un genocidio vaccinale"Roberto1965
2 years ago🎯 Closing Arguments By Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - The Plandemic and Vaccines are a Planned Genocide and He Names Those Responsible..Real Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years ago💥🔥 Dr. Vernon Coleman ~ How and Why the Globalists Plan to Kill Billions of Innocent People. It's Genocide.Real Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year agoGenocídio cristão pelo narcopetismo e comuno-globalismoVerdade Verdadeiramente Verdadeira True Truly Truth
3 years agoIl Direttore dell’O.M.S.Tedros, Accusato di Genocidio e Crimini Contro l’Umanitа, ci sono le ProveInformazione Libera