3 months agoLech-Lecha | Genesis 12:1-17:27 | MTOI Weekly Torah StudyMessianic Torah Observant Israel
2 years agoParashat Lech Lecha - Shabbat Service and Holy Communion for 11.5.22 - Part 1KarenLHertzog
2 years agoR&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Torah Fellowship (Episode #31 -- Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022). Chair: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Topic: "Amazing Lessons from Lech Lecha"R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Torah FellowshipVerified
2 years agoLech Lecha - 5781/2020 - Light of the Menorah: Messianic CongregationLight of the Menorah: Messianic Congregation
1 year agoShabbat Service 10/28/2023 | The Bridge at San Martin | Parsha Lech Lecha | Israel at War Day 21HaGesher - The Bridge at San MartinVerified
1 year agoParashat Lech Lecha – “Go out” or “Go forth” - Shabbat Service for 10.28.23 - Part 2KarenLHertzog