WATCH: Miss Thang in the Middle with an in-Real-Time Titty-Attack! Then Watch Her Realize She's on a TV Show and Has to Relax a Little. | Daily Show Focus Group of Black Voters—"I Didn't See That Coming!"
FAKE NEWS 2.0: Fake Anti-Elon Musk Stories, Tries to Break Up Anti-Illuminati Alliances! | WE in 5D: Relax Your Protesty "I Know Everything" Rants. No One's Worshipping Musk. The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, for Now. That's All.
The People Whining “Don’t Speak That into Existence” are the Fools Totally Vibrating it into Their Existence (((WOMP WOMP))) You're Not That Kind of Magician Yet—RELAX!