3 years agoSticky in the pond again, this time he is cleaning himself 11th September 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoIndian Runners can turn grass into a bog hole in no time at all 18th February 2022Kathy's Australia
3 years agoSticky the runner duckling going for a walk to see his duck family 6th August 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoSticky, the Indian Runner Duckling, having some exercise, 3rd August 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoSticky, the runner duckling goes outside to see other ducks 3rd August 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoIndian runner duck and Muscovy girls greeting the other pen again 21st June 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoSpeckle the Indian Runner duck waiting for her pond so she can look for worms 14th July 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoSticky, the runner duckling goes out to see his duck family again 6th August 2021Kathy's Australia
3 years agoTwo Indian Runner ducks get in the pond every afternoon, just before bed time 15th June 2021Kathy's Australia