ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “tongue” - In the "knowledge of a foreign language.”In 16c.-16c. in the classical revival the Tongues (or the Three Tongues) were Hebrew, Greek, Latin.🕎Acts 2;1-17 KJV
PAN | Why Did Google Turn Their Homepage Into a “Celebrating Steelpan” & the Word “PAN?” Who Is Pan? Why Did Grimes Record / Write the Song Darkseid Right Before the COVID-19 Pandemic Began Featuring a CHINESE Artist by the Name of 潘PAN?
THE ANGELS IN CHAINS & THE 144,000 “ELECTION” TWELVE TRIBES: THE WORD ANGEL MEANS MASSAGER FROM THE HEBREW “MALAAK”…THE ELECT!🕎2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell