The 'World Health Organisation' quickly jumped from mass genocide Covid jabs to sexualising kids! - WHO Regional Office for Europe and BZgA Standards for Sexuality Education In Schools Worldwide. A framework for policy makers
🔥🔥So Donald Trump Won, NOW WHAT? As The US Pumps Almost $700 Million Into WHO And Technocratic Globalism Expands - It’s Time To Get TOUGH. We MUST Pursue Hardcore Policy Reforms Expanding LOCALISM.🔥🔥
Why Is The Biodigital Convergence International Healthcare-Industry 4.0. Standardization & Policy Documents So Extremely Important For Everyone To Read Especially If You Are Fighting In LAWFARE?
When you follow the "Experts" that can't even read academic government funded White Papers, Standards, Policies and Marketshare You Are In BIG Trouble!