The Queen's Twin Sister Lizbet + Survivor Experiences, Dragon Pit + Prince George, Royals Getting Him to Keep Stirring the Pudding Mix, George Being Groomed for Satanic Rituals
The 4 P's: Phoenix, Priest, Prophet, Pindar. Obama is Now the Phoenix Having Taken George Soros' Position, Prophet, Muslim Brotherhood, Priest, Israel, Pindar, Level 100 Mason, Finances
Access Points and Locations, George Washington and (Princess) Diana Spencer, Above Ground Indicators, Paintings + The Tunnel Extends Below the Ocean, William the Conquer 1066, Codes for Opening Spiritual Gates
Oprah Worked with George Soros, Obama is Now in the Phoenix Position on the Satanic Council (Having Taken Over From Soros), Obama is the First from the Muslim Brotherhood (14th Bloodline of the Illuminati) to Occupy the Phoenix Position