1 day agoJohn 15:1- 27 Father God is the husbandman, Jesus is the true vine, His believers are the branches.brando3325
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1 month agoEzekiel 19, Lamentation Israel's Princes, Lioness , Cubs, Vine Uprooted, Judah's DownfallBible discussions
6 years agoPLANTING RARE FRUIT VINES and BUSHES | Clematis, Haskap, Hardy Kiwi, Porcelain BerryEarth MonkeyVerified
2 years ago🎁 Take This Seriously - It's Worth it! - The Vine and the Branches 5 of 5 - Results of Bearing Fruiderekprinceministries
3 years agoMarch 12 Devotional - Bear Fruit Connected to the Vine - Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchteSGGM DEVOTIONALS - Seeking the Glory of God MinistriesVerified
3 years agoHow To Ripen Tomatoes On The Vine Quickly | How & Why You Should Top Tomatoes | Gardening in CanadaGardeninginCanada
1 year agoPaul’s Mission- Peace I Leave with you The True Vine Closing Message- Beware of The Wolves-Campbellfamily07
1 month agoEzekiel 17, Parable of Two Eagles – Judah's Infidelity, Divine Judgment, Future RestorationBible discussions