2 years ago⚠️Dr. Robert Willner testifies that Fauci is guilty of genocide during the 80’sirnieracing
3 years agoDr Robert E Willner: Testifies that Dr Fauci is guilty of genocide during the 80'sNORTHAMERICANNEWS01
10 months agoDr.Robert Willner testifies that Dr. Fauci is guilty of genocide during the 80’sTengirtagh
2 years agoDr. Robert E. Willner testifies that Fauci is guilty of genocide during the 80's.willseekyou
3 years agoDr. Robert E Willner that’s a far is that Dr. Fauci is guilty of Genocide during the 80Into the Light
8 months agoDr. Robert E Willner testifies that Dr Fauci is guilty of genocide during the 80's AIDS.jeannyh
2 years ago👀Dr Robert E Willner Testifies that Dr Fauci is guilty of genocide ☠️ during the 80'sD33pKn0wl3dG3
3 years agoDr Robert E Willner: Testifies That Dr Fauci Is Guilty of Genocide During the 80’sTHE CANADIAN UPRISING