Central Bank Digital Currencies | The Monetary Slavery System Explained In 7 Minutes By: Dr. Pippa Malmgren (World Government Summit), Agustin Carstens (General Manager of the BIS), Bo Li (Deputy Managing Director of the IMF), Eswar Prasad (WEF)
🔥🔥LIVE Exclusive With Roger Ver's Co-Author Steve Patterson & Crypto Expert Aaron Day! Hijacking Bitcoin, The Blockchain Wars & Why This MATTERS To You.🔥🔥
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Expiring Money? "The Government Decides That Units of Central Bank Money Can Be Used to Purchase Some Things But Not Over Things That It Deems Like Desirable Like Ammunition..." - Eswar Prasad
Central Bank Digital Currencies | The Monetary Slavery System Explained In 7 Minutes By- Dr. Pippa Malmgren (World Government Summit), Agustin Carstens (General Manager of the BIS), Bo Li (Deputy Managing Director of the IMF), Eswar Prasad (WEF)