ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY Into The Information From The 2/23 Election Meeting! WHY Is Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSING To Do It? WATCH Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan Explain It All!
#40 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: MIKE GILL & BRENDON O'CONNELL - Silicon Valley Bank "Collapsed" Because It's A Child Sex Slave & Drug Trafficking Money Laundering Center. They Were "Tipped Off" - Truth Was Coming Out
#39 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: MIKE GILL & BRENDON O'CONNELL - The American Cartel Has Controlled The Country For 30 Years - They Are Politicians, Government Officials, FBI, CIA, DEA, IRS, Regional Banks, Law Firms, Trusts, Businesses & More
#44 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Lewis Herms Tells His Story Of Calling Out Senator Wendy Rogers For Her Rude Behavior To His Audience At A Truth Tours Event - KERRY CASSIDY of Project Camelot
#36 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives. How Banks Steal Your Money! South Park's Stan Gets A Reality Check