University of North Texas classroom in Denton erupted into chants of "f*ck these fascists" and slammed their fists on the desks as Jeff Younger tried to speak
Ray Kurzweil | "The Devices Will Be Inside Our Bodies and Brains. We Will Connect the Top Layer of Our Neocortex to Synthetic Neocortex In the Cloud." Ray Kurzweil - The Director of Engineering at Google and Yuval Noah Harari Mentor
Pantex | Pantex, the Primary United States Nuclear Weapons Assembly & Disassembly Facility Forced to Evacuate As Texas Wildfires Threaten the Pantex Plant | Massive Wildfires Burning In Texas Panhandle Force Evacuations
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Algorithm Will Find It Difficult to Change My Core Values, But If You Start With a Baby and an A.I. Mentor. This Will Shape the Values of the Child."
Raymond Kurzweil | Yuval Noah Harari's Mentor Discusses: Singularity, Superintelligence, and Immortality | "The Moderna Vaccines is the Best of the Vaccines We've Had."