1. Todos os olhos me hão-de contemplar... O sol espiritual de Cristo ❤️ O 3º Testamento Capítulo 3-2

    Todos os olhos me hão-de contemplar... O sol espiritual de Cristo ❤️ O 3º Testamento Capítulo 3-2

  2. Every Eye shall see Me ❤️ Spiritual Sun of the Second Coming of Christ... 3rd Testament Chapter 3-2

    Every Eye shall see Me ❤️ Spiritual Sun of the Second Coming of Christ... 3rd Testament Chapter 3-2

  3. Vorherbestimmung & Lebenssinn... Jesus Christus erläutert ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 45

    Vorherbestimmung & Lebenssinn... Jesus Christus erläutert ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 45

  4. Quem rejeita a Minha Mensagem neste tempo...Revelações Divinas ❤️ O Terceiro Testamento Capítulo 4-2

    Quem rejeita a Minha Mensagem neste tempo...Revelações Divinas ❤️ O Terceiro Testamento Capítulo 4-2

  5. Predestination and Sense of Life... Jesus Christ elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 45

    Predestination and Sense of Life... Jesus Christ elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 45

  6. The Essence of My Word is inalterable ❤️ Divine Revelations... 3rd Testament Chapter 4-3

    The Essence of My Word is inalterable ❤️ Divine Revelations... 3rd Testament Chapter 4-3

  7. Song of Praise and Harmony of Creation... Christ's Kingdom of Peace and Consummation ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 58-2

    Song of Praise and Harmony of Creation... Christ's Kingdom of Peace and Consummation ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 58-2

  8. Warnings, apocalyptic Wars and Pestilences... Purification of Earth and Humanity ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 55-1

    Warnings, apocalyptic Wars and Pestilences... Purification of Earth and Humanity ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 55-1

  9. Jesus elucidates... The Original Sin & Noah's Flood... Stories of the People of Israel ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 9-1

    Jesus elucidates... The Original Sin & Noah's Flood... Stories of the People of Israel ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 9-1

  10. Exhortations and Warnings Part 1... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 61-1

    Exhortations and Warnings Part 1... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 61-1

  11. Vorherbestimmung und Lebenssinn... Jesus Christus erläutert ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 45

    Vorherbestimmung und Lebenssinn... Jesus Christus erläutert ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 45

  12. Lobgesang und Schöpfungsharmonie... Friedensreich Christi und Vollendung ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 58-2

    Lobgesang und Schöpfungsharmonie... Friedensreich Christi und Vollendung ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 58-2

  13. Biblische Verheissungen & Erfüllte Vorzeichen ❤️ Wiederkunft von Jesus... 3. Testament Kapitel 1-2

    Biblische Verheissungen & Erfüllte Vorzeichen ❤️ Wiederkunft von Jesus... 3. Testament Kapitel 1-2

  14. Jesus erläutert... Der Sündenfall & Die Sündflut... Geschichten des Volkes Israel ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 9-1

    Jesus erläutert... Der Sündenfall & Die Sündflut... Geschichten des Volkes Israel ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 9-1
