Victor Davis Hansen On Tucker Carlson | "Every Time People Say THEY WOULDN'T DARE DO THIS, Every Time People Say That, They Do. I Don't Know If There Is Strategy to Keep Donald Trump Out of a Gag Order, Or Out of Jail."
General Flynn | Dollar Collapse? Trump’s Gag Order, Universal Basic Income & Hamas Referenced In the Bible? Yuval Noah Harari Pushing New World Order? Ezekiel 38: 1-6 (GOG = Prince, Ruler or The Head & Magog = Modern Russian) + Eric Trump
Gag Order | Dr. Mikovits Shares What It's Like to Have the Gov Attempt to Silence Your Voice | "We Can Now See a New Generation of Bots Busy In Creating Intimate Relationships With Us." - Yuval Noah Harari + Say No to DIY Home Vasectomy Kit
Gag Order | "A Judge Gave a Gag Order Today On Speech...What They Don't Understand Is That I Am Willing to Go to Jail If That What It Takes for Our Country to Win & to Become a Democracy Again." - Trump (October 16th 2023)
Trump Gag Order | "A Judge Gave a Gag Order Today On Speech...What They Don't Understand Is That I Am Willing to Go to Jail If That What It Takes for Our Country to Win & to Become a Democracy Again." - Trump (October 16th 2023)