1. Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Attack (ATTACK.WAD, level 1)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Attack (ATTACK.WAD, level 1)

  2. Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Express Elevator to Hell (TEETH, 20)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Express Elevator to Hell (TEETH, 20)

  3. Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO, 15)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO, 15)

  4. Brutal Doom - Inferno - Tactical - Hard Realism - Limbo (E3M7)

    Brutal Doom - Inferno - Tactical - Hard Realism - Limbo (E3M7)

  5. Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Bad Dream (BADDREAM.WAD, level 21)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Bad Dream (BADDREAM.WAD, level 21)

  6. Brutal Final Doom - TNT: Evilution - Ultra Violence - Mount Pain (Level 27) - 100% Completion

    Brutal Final Doom - TNT: Evilution - Ultra Violence - Mount Pain (Level 27) - 100% Completion

  7. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Circle of Death (level 11)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Circle of Death (level 11)

  8. Brutal Doom: Doom 2 Reloaded - Map 14 - Underground

    Brutal Doom: Doom 2 Reloaded - Map 14 - Underground

  9. Israel’s Govt Backed Settlers Spell DOOM for Gaza!

    Israel’s Govt Backed Settlers Spell DOOM for Gaza!

  10. Brutal Doom - TNT: Evilution - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Last Call (MAP30)

    Brutal Doom - TNT: Evilution - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Last Call (MAP30)

  11. Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Subterra (SUBTERRA.WAD, level 10)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Subterra (SUBTERRA.WAD, level 10)

  12. Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Manor (MANOR.WAD, level 7)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Manor (MANOR.WAD, level 7)

  13. Doom 2 Mountain Dupocalypse UV Max in 1:15:37

    Doom 2 Mountain Dupocalypse UV Max in 1:15:37

  14. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Factory (level 12)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Factory (level 12)

  15. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Inmost Dens (level 14)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Inmost Dens (level 14)

  16. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Waste Tunnels (level 5)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Waste Tunnels (level 5)

  17. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Wolfenstein (level 31)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Wolfenstein (level 31)

  18. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Tricks and Traps (level 8)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Tricks and Traps (level 8)

  19. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Crusher (level 6)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Crusher (level 6)

  20. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Gantlet (level 3)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Gantlet (level 3)

  21. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Grosse (level 32)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Grosse (level 32)

  22. Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Focus (level 4)

    Brutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Focus (level 4)
