5 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Attack (ATTACK.WAD, level 1)CodeQuest
5 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Express Elevator to Hell (TEETH, 20)CodeQuest
5 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO, 15)CodeQuest
5 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Bad Dream (BADDREAM.WAD, level 21)CodeQuest
9 months agoBrutal Final Doom - TNT: Evilution - Ultra Violence - Mount Pain (Level 27) - 100% CompletionCodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Circle of Death (level 11)CodeQuest
5 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Subterra (SUBTERRA.WAD, level 10)CodeQuest
5 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Master Levels - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Manor (MANOR.WAD, level 7)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Factory (level 12)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Inmost Dens (level 14)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Waste Tunnels (level 5)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Wolfenstein (level 31)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - Tricks and Traps (level 8)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Crusher (level 6)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Gantlet (level 3)CodeQuest
6 months agoBrutal Doom 2 - Hell on Earth - Pistol Start - Hard Realism - The Focus (level 4)CodeQuest