The Great Reset | The Entire Great Reset Agenda Explained In Under 5 Minutes | Klaus Schwab, "The People Assume That We Are Going Back to the Good Old World, This Is Fiction. It Will Not Happen."
Yuval Noah Harari | "This No Longer Science Fiction. Increasingly, If You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan If You Apply to Some Company to Get a Job Increasingly Its an AI That Decides Whether to Give You the Loan Whether to Give You the Job or Not.&quo
CBDCs | "Everything You Do, Everything You Say and Everything You Buy Is Controlled and Evaluated by the Authorities. It's Not Science Fiction. In China It's a Reality. From Now On Citizens Lives Are Rated and Assessed." - France24
The Great Reset | The Entire Great Reset Agenda Explained In Under 5 Minutes | Klaus Schwab, "The People Assume That We Are Going Back to the Good Old World, This Is Fiction. It Will Not Happen."