2 months agoMEGA-TSUNAMI IN GREENLAND! Scientists did NOT NOTICE it and are speechless...AstroTim Universe
3 years agoPart 1 - Man Made MEGA TSUNAMI Warning from LA PALMA - PROOFHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
1 year ago02.03.2016 ❤️ Traum von Mega-Tsunami in San Francisco und die Ruhe vor dem SturmNeues von Jesus
10 months ago🚨 It's BAAAACK 🌚 CRAZY SEA ANOMALY 🌊 TSUNAMI Time 📡 HAARP HuntersHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months agoTsunami Eclipse Prediction - United Nations - NEW YORK QUAKE - ConnectionHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
2 years agoOctober 6, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS SPEAKS about the Mega Tsunami and the Warning... Immediately leave California and all Coastlines of AmericaFaith Truth Warnings ❤️ Glaube Wahrheit Warnungen
10 months ago🚨🌚 CRAZY SEA ANOMALY 🌊 TSUNAMI 📡 HAARP Hunters 🛸 Robbo Da Yobbo 🤠HAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
7 months agoThe MAGA [MEGA] POWERS – ‘Trump-Vance’ - "We Are Going To Make It Too Big To Rig' …'Oh Yeah!'MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoOct 6, 2022 🙏 Mega Tsunami & Warning... Immediately leave California and all Coastlines of AmericaRhema from Jesus EN & DE
2 years ago06.10.2022 🙏 Mega Tsunami & Warnung... Verlasst sofort Kalifornien und alle Küstenlinien von AmerikaJesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
3 years agoWhat would happen if New York City was struck by a La Palma mega tsunami?Earth Wind and FireVerified
10 months agoTHEY ARE TARGETING YELLOWSTONE - This is NOT a Movie - HAARP HuntersHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
5 months agoA landslide triggered a 650-foot mega-tsunami in Greenland. Then came something inexplicableRajbirMangat