1 year agoAvodas Yisroel of the Kozhnitzer Maggid zya Parshas Vayikra Leviticus segulah for Rosh Chodesh NisanKoblentzerRebbe
2 years ago5. Chof Av 5749, Mincha, Maariv and rally (gan yisroel) - כ' מנחם - אב תשמ"טMoshiacharchives
2 years ago3. Rosh Chodesh Elul 5747, Mincha and rally (gan yisroel) - ר"ח אלול תשמ"זMoshiacharchives
2 years ago8. Chof Ches Av 5749, Mincha and rally (Gan yisroel and Emunah) = כ"ח מנחם-אב תשמ"טMoshiacharchives