Normalizing the LGBTIQA+ Agenda & Normalizing Satanic Ritual Abortions | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? "We've Worked Really Closely with Hollywood On This." - Sarah Kate Ellis CEO of GLAAD (Pro-LGBT Media Monitoring Group
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The BRICS Nations Are Working Overtime to Create a Brand New Currency of Their Own That Will Be Pegged to Physical Assets Such As GOLD." - EPOCH TIMES (April 6th 2023)
Abe Hamadeh WON Attorney General Of Arizona! 3 Types Of PROOF…Kris Mayes Is ILLEGITIMATE! Maricopa County STOLE Nov 8, 2022 & 2020 Elections From The People Of Arizona…Time To FILE A Rule 60b6 & Take Your Seat ABE! FIGHT For Our Votes NOW!