CAPITALISM/COMMUNISM: US Intel Officers Expose The Secret Merger of Corporate Fascism to Make Capitalism and Communism "Same Difference" (Cronyism/Cronny Capitalism)
Trauma-Fractured Souls of Low-Vibration Paranoia NOT Entertained Here (w/ Indirect Help From NotaRubicon): RULES of the WE in 5D Channel! | P.S. Thus Anons/Qanon'ers Not Welcomed. P.P.S. IF YOU'RE GOING FOR IT MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A GOOD ONE.
RULES of the WE in 5D Channel + The Fanaticism & Poor-Vibration Paranoia NOT Accepted Here (w/ Indirect Help From NotaRubicon) | P.S. Anons/Qanon'ers Not Entertained Here! P.P.S. IF YOU'RE GOING FOR IT MAKE YOUR FINAL COMMENT A GOOD ONE.
There's Only So Much You Can Learn in One Place. The More That I Wait The More Time That I Waste! Life's Gonna Drop You Down Like The Limbs Off a Tree. It Sways and it Swings UNTIL IT MAKES YOU SEE. —JUMP— | Madonna: Born 8/16/58 (Leo)
IT'S TIME TO MAKE A BIG DEAL NOW MORE THAT EVER! Small Forms of, Not Only Poor Customer Service, But TYRANNY Have Escalated and Increased Little by Little Throughout Many Patient Years and Decades to Socially Train and Engineer You!
BACKFIRE: A Woke Accidentally Makes Case for Trump! | WE in 5D: 1. Except for Prayer in School—That's Not Freedom of Religion, But Whatever.. Let's Not Split Hairs Now. 2. Why are Wokes/Modern Libs SO Unattractive? Says Much of Their Spirit!