2 years agoProphet Booker and The City Love Chorale...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR...Feb. 15th,1997The Word of God through Jesus Christ TV Network
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2 years agoHere It Comes Again. Buckle Up, The Left Now Has EXACTLY What They've Been Waiting For!Restricted Republic
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3 years agoPelosi Finally Makes Announcement So Many Have Been Waiting For! Ceremony & Memorial Now Scheduled!Restricted Republic
4 months agoDay 0. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months agoDay 3. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 months agoDay 67. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
3 months agoWho can claim Riwaya (Quran) is literally D words of a God called "Allah"? Waiting 4 Uthebignoseoflondon
3 months agoDay 36. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months agoDay 18. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 months agoDay 71. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 months agoDay 73. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 months agoDay 60. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 months agoDay 52. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
3 months agoDay 40. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
3 months agoDay 41. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 months agoDay 75. I am in the ark. Waiting for GOD to open the Door for a spring/summer Pentecost raptureChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 month agoThe Contradiction of God: What to Do When God Seems DistantDelora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
2 years agoWE are who we've been waiting for! Know Thy Spiritual Self; excerpt from bookBeacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
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