TRUMP to WEF: I've just Cancelled All Your Woke Agendas, also Sending Your Shit Hollers Back to You. Now, you may go home and Eat “Dzze” Bugs and Be Happy. P.S. In USA we Eat Steaks.
#229 Why Is Maricopa County So Full Of Chaos, Lies, Power Grabs & People Who Don't Follow The Law & Rules? The TRUTH About LD3. It's Time To Start Questioning The People Who You THINK Are On Your Side. Turn Back, Take Back & Do A 180
The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | BOB GOMEZ, KJ KUCHTA, RAY