4 months agoThey Jacked Up The Price Of Cigarettes Because They Couldn't Ban Them Like Ivermectin....Biological Medicine
4 months agoYou’re being poisoned with ALUMINUM… but silicon-rich foods and enhanced water can helpBiological Medicine
2 years agoRyan Cole: What a Lot of People Don’t Know Is That the Actual Peak of DeathBiological Medicine
1 year agoVaxx-induced turbo cancer: Likely caused by VAIDS | Cancer experts drs. Risch & MakisBiological Medicine
4 months agoVaccine pushing wolf in sheeps clothing "pastor TD Jakes" suffered a STROKEBiological Medicine
2 years agoDr. Mikovits: Covid “vaccine” spike protein injections could kill 50 million AmericansBiological Medicine
3 years agoLuc Montagnier - Nobel Prize Winning Virologist - Current Vaccine Strategy - A Huge Mistake!Biological Medicine
2 years agoDr. Geert Vanden Bossche explains why children should not be injected with the COVID-19 vaccineBiological Medicine
4 months agoWhat Is Cancer? A Disease or a Symptom of Chemical or Radiation Poisoning?Biological Medicine
4 months agoWhistleblowers LEAK bombshell vaccine evidence and they are FURIOUS: Redacted with Clayton MorrisBiological Medicine
4 months agoWatch this incredible interview with Dr Bryan Ardis and Jim Price of Psilly Gnome Mushroom.Biological Medicine
4 months agoThe vaccine agenda to inject your children with gene-edited CANCER DNA!Biological Medicine