5 months ago👀 Muslim approving of the dèath penalty for apostates _ Speakers Corner DebateSPEAKERS CORNER
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2 months agoHe had no chance in a timed debate | Big Dave The Dawah Doctor | Speakers' Corner #socofilmsSOCOFILMS
28 days agoSpeakers Corner-A Muslim Comes And Calls Jude A Snake, He Admits Islam Is Not a Religion of PeaceSPEAKERS CORNER
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2 years agoMuslims Don't Understand The Apostle Paul - Muslim vs Christian At Speakers Cornerisraeliteswillreturn
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5 months agoMuslim approving of the dèath penalty for apostates _ Speakers Corner Debate #soSPEAKERS CORNER
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5 months agoDo Christians Worship 3 Gods Let's Bury This Muslim Claim Full Debate Speakers CornerSPEAKERS CORNER
5 months agoMuslim debater uses script. Get’s owned on every single point. Bob _ Speakers CoSPEAKERS CORNER
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