1. Why Even If You Are Not Lactose Intolerant, You Still Shouldn't Be Drinking Milk - Milton Mills, MD

    Why Even If You Are Not Lactose Intolerant, You Still Shouldn't Be Drinking Milk - Milton Mills, MD

  2. Landmark Shows People With Higher Protein Intake Had Higher Mortality And A Increase In Death

    Landmark Shows People With Higher Protein Intake Had Higher Mortality And A Increase In Death

  3. The Largest Land Animals On Earth Show It Is Not Necessary To Eat Flesh To Make Flesh

    The Largest Land Animals On Earth Show It Is Not Necessary To Eat Flesh To Make Flesh

  4. Poisoned candy myths are urban legends about malevolent strangers intentionally hiding poisons,

    Poisoned candy myths are urban legends about malevolent strangers intentionally hiding poisons,

  5. Study Shows People With Highest Animal Protein Intake Had A 75% higher Overall Mortality Rate

    Study Shows People With Highest Animal Protein Intake Had A 75% higher Overall Mortality Rate

  6. Human Beings Are Born With A Blood/Injury Phobia And Is Part Of Why We Are Not Meant To Eat Animal

    Human Beings Are Born With A Blood/Injury Phobia And Is Part Of Why We Are Not Meant To Eat Animal

  7. Dennis Prager Demonstrates The Evil Of Judaism: 'Homogeneity Brings Peace. I Am Not For Homogenity'

    Dennis Prager Demonstrates The Evil Of Judaism: 'Homogeneity Brings Peace. I Am Not For Homogenity'

  8. Dennis Prager Demonstrates The Evil Of Judaism: 'Homogeneity Brings Peace. I Am Not For Homogenity'

    Dennis Prager Demonstrates The Evil Of Judaism: 'Homogeneity Brings Peace. I Am Not For Homogenity'

  9. Cheese Is From Milk Which Contains Casaiein And Whey Proteins That Can Result In Health Problems

    Cheese Is From Milk Which Contains Casaiein And Whey Proteins That Can Result In Health Problems

  10. The Healthcare System Is Really Not Healthcare, But Sickcare - Milton Mills, MD - Interview

    The Healthcare System Is Really Not Healthcare, But Sickcare - Milton Mills, MD - Interview

  11. Animal Based Agriculture Is One Of The Major Contributors To The Massive Increases

    Animal Based Agriculture Is One Of The Major Contributors To The Massive Increases

  12. Critical Race Theory & Social Justice are Anti-American and Anti-biblical

    Critical Race Theory & Social Justice are Anti-American and Anti-biblical

  13. CRT & Social Justice are Anti-Biblical, Anti-American, & Anti-Capitalist

    CRT & Social Justice are Anti-Biblical, Anti-American, & Anti-Capitalist

  14. Why We Make Animal Foods Look Like The Plant Foods That Our Brain Really Wants To Eat

    Why We Make Animal Foods Look Like The Plant Foods That Our Brain Really Wants To Eat

  15. Milton Mills, MD - Interview - Diet And Cancer: Burning Down The House Or Putting Out The Flames

    Milton Mills, MD - Interview - Diet And Cancer: Burning Down The House Or Putting Out The Flames
