1. And the winner is... 900 subscribers giveaway. giving away the Olight flashlight

    And the winner is... 900 subscribers giveaway. giving away the Olight flashlight

  2. Cheapest Propane melting furnace from Amazon unboxing and first time melting aluminum cans

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  3. The easiest way I found to make kennelling for my Wood burning fireplace / woodstove #Woodstove

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  4. The Ultimate survival food that can be grown in plan site and no one will know.#servivalest #prepper

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  5. A smarter way to have water in the garage during winter for your animals and plants Eazy #Water

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  6. Removing 40 year Olds ish shubs with a truck and Betstco towable backhoe

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  7. (30min setup) Best and easiest chicken runs with no post and is completely mobile for under $1000

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  8. How i plan to keeping my chicken run clean and fresh with wood chips

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  9. NEW 12V Harbor Freight THUNDERBOLT SOLAR PowerConnection Cable Kit - Item 59171

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  10. How much would you pay if you didn't have to water your chickens six months of the year #automation

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  11. Growing Azolla and water Hyacinth in a stock tank for animal feed and soil amendments

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  12. Black soldier fly larvae update on how our first attempt at rasing them is going

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  13. Using a Harbor freight 17 x 10. Portable garage for rasing quail and rabbit. here's my setup

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  14. Will an RK 25 from @RuralKingSupply handle a 6 foot bushhog / brushhog / rotary cutter ?

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  15. Fill rite hand pump fuel station build part 1 storing and using bulk fuel

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