1. #54 [PL]: 4 jeźdźców apokalipsy i zrozumienie Bożego sądu w Objawieniu

    #54 [PL]: 4 jeźdźców apokalipsy i zrozumienie Bożego sądu w Objawieniu

  2. #52 [PL]: "zapowiedź" - koniec świata, który już miał miejsce (?)

    #52 [PL]: "zapowiedź" - koniec świata, który już miał miejsce (?)

  3. #57: Ognisty koń i jego jeźdzca chaosu - a co, jeśli on już tu jest?

    #57: Ognisty koń i jego jeźdzca chaosu - a co, jeśli on już tu jest?

  4. #50 [PL]: Dlaczego żyjąc tu na ziemi nie czuję sie jak w domu?

    #50 [PL]: Dlaczego żyjąc tu na ziemi nie czuję sie jak w domu?

  5. #56: Mammon the destroyer: the upcoming financial enslavement of the world

    #56: Mammon the destroyer: the upcoming financial enslavement of the world

  6. #57: Fiery red horse and it's rider of chaos - what if he's already here?

    #57: Fiery red horse and it's rider of chaos - what if he's already here?

  7. #56 [PL]: Mamon Niszczyciel - nadchodzące ekonomiczne uciemiężenie ludzkości

    #56 [PL]: Mamon Niszczyciel - nadchodzące ekonomiczne uciemiężenie ludzkości

  8. #33 Downplaying God - where do we get it from and what is the impact of seeing the truth?

    #33 Downplaying God - where do we get it from and what is the impact of seeing the truth?

  9. #37 Why your relationship with your Dad is simply a game of trust?

    #37 Why your relationship with your Dad is simply a game of trust?

  10. #39 Power of God - how our Father proves his upper hand in this interdimensional chess match

    #39 Power of God - how our Father proves his upper hand in this interdimensional chess match

  11. #23 Why speaking in tongues is a must have especially if you love to pray?

    #23 Why speaking in tongues is a must have especially if you love to pray?

  12. #18 Your uniqueness - why it might be more important then you think?

    #18 Your uniqueness - why it might be more important then you think?

  13. #21 What are gifts, why they were given to us and what will they do to you?

    #21 What are gifts, why they were given to us and what will they do to you?

  14. #36 Self-discovery - your Father's journey no one told you about ...

    #36 Self-discovery - your Father's journey no one told you about ...