Reality Transurfing: Everyone Gets What They Are, Thus Everyone Gets What They Choose! (An EXPANDED View of Law of Attraction) — Audiobook by Vadim Zeland | WE in 5D: LITERALLY What I’d Fall Asleep to for OVER A YEAR to Manifest My Florida Home!
Tucker Carlson and Tony Robbins: WAR THIS, COVID THAT—5 Blockades Keeping You From Success, and How to Overcome Them! | WE in 5D: An Unlikely Pairing, You'd Think, But Let This Be a Sign of 5D Timelines for Yourself and Those Involved!
Abraham Hicks—WHAT YOU’VE BEEN DYING TO KNOW: How Your SOUL Works in Correlation to Your 3D Human Flesh/Bones Version of Self + Does [Little Human You] or [Expanded SOUL You] Call the Shots, and is One More Advanced (a Matter of Perspective)?
👁️ Kamala Harris Speaks to Her Supporters After Conceding The Election (How We Give Our Power Away—On The "Left" Or "Right". You Are The Creator of Your Reality.. Every Time, NO EXCEPTION!) | Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
Kerry Cassidy Speaks 3/17/22: The Cost of Freewill—Choose Wisely (Law of Attraction) | Physical Life Experience Vs. The Eternal Soul—You Are Never a Victim | The Vaxxed | Joe Rogan & Trump | ➕ Upcoming Interview with M.L. of Redneck Renegade
Turned Off DNA Stops Us From Naturally Producing Vitamin C in Our Bodies—WHILE OTHER MAMMALS CAN! + Law of Attraction, God-Source, True Deep Healing, and More! | Gregg Braden: The Isaiah Effect (Full Seminar)