2 years agoI was called to do this reading for someone specific (maybe more) re;an old memory ,real or a dream?CitiZenK77
2 years agoWhy don't relationships last anymore? I'll tell you Exactly Why! #freeyourselfBeacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
2 years agoTurning Pain into Pleasure; the Alchemist's JourneyBeacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
2 years agoYou want to REALLY Heal? Then Do THIS & Let It Burn!Beacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
5 years agoCapitalizando na Opressão da Igreja - Starsector #22 [Gameplay Português PT-BR]Canal do Void
2 years agoAquarius 2023 New Year Forecast/Predictions! Tapping into deeper sources of power!CitiZenK77
2 years agoSagittarius New Year 2023 Predictions/Forecast! Karmic Rewards for those who've done the work!CitiZenK77
2 years ago#Channeling Aurora Transmissions; Important Msgs., Did you hear the Call ; I was lamentingCitiZenK77
2 years agoConsciousness, Power of Suggestion, (you Are hackable)how to Free yourself And your abilities!Beacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
2 years agoPisces Tarot Dec 5-11 Watch the Signs*New Love Coming*Butterfly Transformations!CitiZenK77