2 years agoJan 28, 2023-Watchman News-John 4:24- The Holocaust - Hitler's Rise, Bear’s Face on Mars and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 26, 2023-Watchman News- Lev 19:18 - Hidden Sin to be Revealed, Prigozhin will attack and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMarch 20, 2023-Watchman News- 1 Peter 2:2-3 - Iraq war anniversary, Saddam and Putin link and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 31, 2023-Watchman News- 1 Thess 4:16-17 - NATO-Kosovo escalating, US-China Jet Warning and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 27, 2023-Watchman News-Luke 19:10 - Ezekiel 38 -Sudan, US to send nuke subs to Korea and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 19, 2023-Watchman News-1 Cor 15:20-22-True Passover Today, Iran warns Israel and US and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 25, 2023-Watchman News -James 1:19 - New U.S. Pathogen Lab, Mad Cow Disease in the US and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 24, 2023-Watchman News-2 Thess 3:3-Ukraine could get nukes soon, Wagner Coup-Civil War and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 24, 2023-Watchman News-1 Peter 1:18-19-Putin To Arm N Korea, Trump lays out timeline and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoSage of Quay™ - Mike Williams - The Eye of McCartney, Cream, Egypt and Occultism (Aug 2023)Sage of Quay®
1 year agoJuly 18, 2023-Watchman News-Psalm 119:7-Grain deal falls, FDA approves New Abomination shot and Moretrevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 5, 2023-Watchman News-Deut 6: 6-7 - Avian Flu Pandemic Prep, U.N. High Seas Treaty and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoFeb 17, 2023-Watchman News-Romans 8:35-Earth's Core 'Anomalies', One World Religion Launch and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoFeb 6, 2023 - Watchman News - Proverbs 21:21 - Turkey 7.7 Quake - The Battle at Karkemish and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 15, 2023-Watchman News-Romans 10:9-10- Ukrainian grain ban, CERN’S World Quantum Day and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 3, 2023-Watchman News-Rom 12:12-Corona-1290 Days-May 5, CERN 30 Yrs from Web Release and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 20, 2023-Watchman News-Romans 15:5-6- Large Earthquake Swarm, Biden Green-lights F-16s and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 25, 2023-Watchman News-Col 1:27-28 -Dollar has five years left, nephilim being slain and More!trevisdampierministries
8 months agoSam Hyde & Jay Dyer On Black Hebrew Israelites, CIA Making KiIIers & Satanic Hollywood ElitesSamNickandJetsHighlights
1 year agoMay 9, 2023-Watchman News-Romans 8:1-2-China threatens EU for sanctions, FDA: Crispr Pigs and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 4, 2023-Watchman News - Joshua 1:9 - US Treasury CBDC Working Group, X-Flare Signal and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 3, 2023-Watchman News-Isaiah 55:8-9-March Planet Alignments(Tophet), Bird Flu Spread and More!trevisdampierministries