2 years agoUngoldly Wisdom leads to Disorder (in your mind, heart and LIFE!!!) | Expository Preaching (James 3)Preaching for God's Glory
2 years agoStrive After God with Humility! | James 4 Bible Study, Charles Spurgeon, Pride, Expository PreachingPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoGod Glorifying Decision Making | Goal Setting, Prayer, James Bible Study, Expository PreachingPreaching for God's Glory
1 year agoBring Your Burdens to the Lord, Today!!! (Philippians 4:4-9) | John MacArthur, Jerry BridgesPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoResist the Devil! (and he will flee from you) | James 4, Demonic, Spiritual Warfare, Bible StudyPreaching for God's Glory
1 year agoPonder Godly Thoughts (Phil 4:8) | Psalm 19, Meditate on the Word of God, Bible StudyPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoTHIS is the REAL cause of Sinful Speech! | John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon in full sermonPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoThe Birth of Our Savior - Part 1 | Truth Nugget (Luke 2:1-7) | Christmas Sermon ClipPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoTHIS is the Cause of FIGHTS! 😡| James 4, Expository Preaching, GodlinessPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoIf Only Jordan Peterson believed this... | Truth Transforms: Truth NuggetPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoPursuing Christ to be like Him (from 'Steve Lawson on Sanctification')Preaching for God's Glory
1 year ago3 Things to Learn from John MacArthur at Shepherds’ Conference 2023 | Josh Buice, G3 MinistriesPreaching for God's Glory
1 year agoLook to Christ during times of Suffering! | J.C. Ryle, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Bible StudyPreaching for God's Glory
1 year agoFeed THIS to Your Troubled Heart!!! | Nashville Shooting, Covenant Presbyterian Church and SchoolPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoTHIS is the REAL cause of Sinful Speech! | John MacArthur on Slander, Charles Spurgeon (full sermon)Preaching for God's Glory
1 year agoCharles Spurgeon on Suffering for Christ (Hebrews 5:8) | Morning and Evening DevotionalPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoWisdom of Man vs. Wisdom of God | Truth Transforms: Truth Nugget (James 1:5-8)Preaching for God's Glory
1 year agoBe Patient in Suffering! | J.C. Ryle, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Paul Tripp in Sermon, James 5Preaching for God's Glory
1 year agoBe Honest with God in Prayer! | J.C. Ryle, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Paul Tripp in SermonPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoThe Birth of Our Savior - Part 4 | Truth Nugget (Luke 2:1-7) | Christmas Sermon, Birth of JesusPreaching for God's Glory