1. Exposing Aberrant Teachings in the Church (Part 2) with G. Richard Fisher

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  2. Exposing Aberrant Teachings in the Church (Part 1) with G. Richard Fisher

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  11. Lecture 7 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, The Boards — the Acacia Wood

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  12. Lecture on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, My Introduction

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  13. Lecture 4 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, The Linen Curtains: their Dimensions, etc

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  14. Lecture 5 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, The Covering of Goats' Hair

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  15. Lecture 6 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, The Rams' and Badgers' skins Coverings

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  16. Lecture 3 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, The Linen Curtains and Colors

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  17. Lecture 2 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, God's Dwelling place

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  18. Lecture 8 on the Tabernacle, by Samuel Ridout, The Gold upon the Wood

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