1. ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas (Aug. 25th & 26th) Momentum Builds!!! | 649 Tickets Remain | Roseanne, Pastor Burns, General Flynn, Doctor Gold, Mike Lindell, Alex Jones, Jim Breuer, Doctor Immanuel, Pastor Benjamin & Team America Head to Vegas!!!

    ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas (Aug. 25th & 26th) Momentum Builds!!! | 649 Tickets Remain | Roseanne, Pastor Burns, General Flynn, Doctor Gold, Mike Lindell, Alex Jones, Jim Breuer, Doctor Immanuel, Pastor Benjamin & Team America Head to Vegas!!!

  2. Dollar Collapse | "The BRICS Nations Are Supposedly Set to Announce to the World Their New Currency Which Jim Rickards Anticipates to Be Backed By Gold. Rickards Expects Them to Make That Announcement Aug 22nd At the BRICS Meeting." - Schectman

    Dollar Collapse | "The BRICS Nations Are Supposedly Set to Announce to the World Their New Currency Which Jim Rickards Anticipates to Be Backed By Gold. Rickards Expects Them to Make That Announcement Aug 22nd At the BRICS Meeting." - Schectman

  3. HIS GLORY | Dave Scarlett, Bo Polny, Andrew Sorchini & Clay Clark Discuss- The Collapse of the Dollar, Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given & New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency

    HIS GLORY | Dave Scarlett, Bo Polny, Andrew Sorchini & Clay Clark Discuss- The Collapse of the Dollar, Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given & New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency

  4. De-Dollarization | "Now the Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Status Gradually & Then Suddenly. This Could Work Out Pretty Good for BRICS Members Like Russia & China Who Are the Two Largest Gold Producers In The World. Canada Has Zero Gold"

    De-Dollarization | "Now the Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Status Gradually & Then Suddenly. This Could Work Out Pretty Good for BRICS Members Like Russia & China Who Are the Two Largest Gold Producers In The World. Canada Has Zero Gold"

  5. Robert Kiyosaki | The Future of Money Explained In 10 Minutes & 41 Seconds (BRICS, Gold-Backed Programmable, CBDCs, Inflation & the Tokenization of Money) + "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari

    Robert Kiyosaki | The Future of Money Explained In 10 Minutes & 41 Seconds (BRICS, Gold-Backed Programmable, CBDCs, Inflation & the Tokenization of Money) + "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari

  6. Dr. Simone Gold | "Doctors Have Become Overwhelmingly Employees. We Were Told What to Do. If Your Employer Told You to Do It (Follow the COVID-19 Protocols), You Do it. Doctors Were Not Thinking for Themselves. This Is Very Concerning

    Dr. Simone Gold | "Doctors Have Become Overwhelmingly Employees. We Were Told What to Do. If Your Employer Told You to Do It (Follow the COVID-19 Protocols), You Do it. Doctors Were Not Thinking for Themselves. This Is Very Concerning

  7. BRICS | "If They Create This Currency Backed By Gold This Will Be the Largest Transfer of Wealth Between Nations We Will EVER Seen In the History of Money." | More Than 40 nations Interested in Joining BRICS, South Africa Says - Reuters 7/20/23

    BRICS | "If They Create This Currency Backed By Gold This Will Be the Largest Transfer of Wealth Between Nations We Will EVER Seen In the History of Money." | More Than 40 nations Interested in Joining BRICS, South Africa Says - Reuters 7/20/23
